Second-cheapest wine syndrome
According to a survey conducted by UK cheese maker Castello, 25 percent of diners will choose the second-cheapest wine on a restaurant wine list an effort to cover their ignorance in front of waiters and friends. The "second-cheapest wine syndrome" afflicts many who want to give the impression they are making an informed choice from the wine list while avoiding any accusation of being a tightwad. Additionally the survey revealed that more than half (56 percent) will not ask a waiter for advice in case he recommends something expensive and that in general that having to choose a wine is stressful. Also one in four would not know a good wine from a bad one and only a third think they know more about wine than a waiter.
One tip for anyone who needs help but has to watch the budget, you can always ask your waiter if a wine in your price range would go well with the meal you are ordering or if he has any other suggestions. A good waiter will either agree with your choice or point you to something in the same price range for you to enjoy with your meal. In any case, do not be afraid to ask for suggestions from your waiter.
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